I did something tonight that I mean to do everynight - but fail dismally at!....and that is read wth my 2nd gal.... its easy to read to wee people, and for me anyways, trickier to make the time to read with bigger people.
So, today I found a wonderful story that will (I hope) facinate us both. It titled "The lacemaker and the princess', and is set in Marie Antionette's court....I'm hoping it'll be wonderful, and the blurb promises to look at both sides of the revelotion at the time (in a slightly whismical way I would think) and the choices we must make -whether rich or poor..... while giving wonderful detail about noble ladies fabrics and laces, fashions and fripperies.... (don't you just love that word - fripperies)
My Nyah, is dramatic by nature and is passionate about words and conveying meanings (I have found her standing on her bed spouting poetry - so you get my drift am sure )....she is delicious and I find her refreshing and quite enchanting at times.
We lay on my bed with the wind whispering in the viole, showing us peeps of the lavender sky outside and read to each other..... sometimes you just have to write down these moments, so you can draw on the memories a wee bit fresher........I love way Nyah wraps her arm or leg around you, the way she fiddles with her hair while she reads, and the expression and volume (at times) she conveys her interpretation of the lacemakers story..... the way for that moment she lives the story as her own. Nyah my gal, you are indeed your mama's daughter, and we are kindred spirits.
What a sweet and loving description of your girl, and how wonderful to make the time to read together!
Yip Nyah is definately a mini Briar indeed!!
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