
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

room to move

we moved just after Christmas. It is such a relief to have room to stretch and grow and move....I am so grateful for the shelter of our sweet snug cottage that we have come from, it has seen us thru 3 and half years of laughter, new baby, sorrows and growth...and alwasy felt welcoming and 'home' to us all....but we had indeed outgrown the space available...and it was time to start a new chapter....we have S P A C is not flash and grand, but rather homely and welcoming....most who come here say they 'just want to sit a while'....what a lovely welcoming thought....its wonderful to hear the kids running up and down the stairs, finding racquets for badmington, being able to ride their bikes in the paddocks, pick fruit, climb the beautiful trees, pat the neighbours horses, shift the cows and start to build the chicken house....and for me; I love being back on the land, I had missed breathing it.


Dee said...

looks absolutely gorgeous Briar...can't wait to visit and "sit awhile" :)

Heart Felt said...

Wow, this looks like a beautiful spot...great move. xx

Anonymous said...

It is a lovely new home you have, look forward to spending many moments on that porch, just chillin xx